Empowering Gamuda with Granular Data Intelligence through Generative AI

An All-Purpose A.I Bot Marketplace

Developed in collaboration with Google’s advanced AI suite and our in-house expertise, Bot Unify represents our unwavering dedication to integrating state-of-the-art technologies that empower our diverse teams, streamline processes, and unlock new frontiers of operational excellence across our regional footprint.

By controlling the data that goes in and out of Bot Unify, Gamuda ensures robust information governance while empowering employees with AI capabilities to streamline operations, augment decision-making, and drive innovation across the organization.

Advanced Features

  • Access Anywhere: Gamudians can access Bot Unify through any browser, be it using your phone, tablet, or computers.
  • Security: Only authorized personnel with Gamuda IDs can access BotUnify, ensuring data privacy and protection.
  • Easy Ingestion: Documents can be easily ingested from our existing data collaboration platforms like SharePoint, requiring only the URL.
  • Multi-Format Support: BotUnify supports ingesting documents in multiple formats, including PDF, PowerPoint, Word, and Excel.
  • Grounded with Citations: All results provided by the bots are based on facts pulled from the ingested documents, with citations added for easy reference and traceability.
  • Summarisation and Analysis: The bots are capable of summarizing and analyzing documents, leveraging the latest AI capabilities from Google.
  • Scalability: BotUnify is designed to be highly scalable, supporting an unlimited number of users and bots to cater to the diverse needs of our various business units.

Practical Artificial Intelligence for every Gamudian

Many of the use cases were discovered during Gamuda’s inaugural Artificial Intelligence Incubator.

Amongst use-cases already employed by Gamudians of various departments include:

  • Bot Unify empowers tender teams to streamline research and proposal drafting through efficient data analysis, collation, and synthesis of relevant information from vast repositories, enabling compelling, well-substantiated proposals.
  • A bot by the ESG team to consolidate policies, best practices, and key performance indicators, providing stakeholders with the transparency needed to make informed, sustainable decisions aligned with Gamuda’s core values.
  • Bot Unify has been leveraged by HR operations in making policies and benefits more transparent and accessible, freeing up human resource teams to focus on strategic people development initiatives.

A Hopeful Future For A.I In the Construction Industry

The true potential of Bot Unify lies in its ability to seamlessly blend Gamuda’s hard-earned industry expertise with the latest advancements in AI technology. By striking this balance, Gamuda positions itself as a frontrunner in the construction landscape, where operational excellence is not merely an aspiration but a continuous pursuit driven by innovation. As Bot Unify’s intelligence evolves, so too will Gamuda’s competitive advantage, enabling the company to deliver exceptional value to its stakeholders while fostering sustainable growth and setting new standards for efficiency and quality in the industry.

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