Vote Your AI Bot Champions

The AI Incubator Program is a two-day event aimed at leveraging Gamuda’s team to utilize their new AI chatbot tool called Bot Unify, which was built using Google’s machine learning platform Vertex AI. Bot Unify can ingest and analyze documents to provide insights and answers to queries within Gamuda’s ecosystem.

On the second day of the AI Incubator, teams created bots with unique and creative use-cases for their project or department. They have presented their ideas to the Incubator. Now, all Gamudians are invited to vote for the best ideas!

Use the arrows to scroll through the ideas presented during the Incubator. If you see any interesting ideas, click on it and you will be able to view their presentation. Click ‘Vote Here’ and cast your vote for the 3 best bots.

Yes! Each member of the best team will receive 3x Google Nest Speakers. Runners up will receive Google Play Gift Cards. We also have consolation prizes!

Get in touch with the GET team via Kai ( for any enquiries about Bot Unify.

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