Pioneering A.I Adoption with Groundbreaking Incubator Program

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Innovation

The two-day hybrid program aimed to introduce Bot Unify, an AI-powered assistant powered by Google’s AI technologies, into Gamuda’s operations. Bot Unify was built in-house by the Gamuda Excellence Transformation (GET) Team.

Through workshops by Google and GET, demonstrations, and brainstorming sessions, hundreds of Gamudians gained insights into the chatbot’s capabilities, paving the way for an agile, technology-driven workplace culture that embraces innovation.

The participation level far exceeded expectations. It was interesting to have different departments share their experiences and domain problems and how they saw the AI bots complementing them on their day-to-day tasks.

Lee Kai Wen, Software Engineer (Gamuda Excellence Transformation)

Operationalising Artificial Intelligence Via Real Business Cases

The Program culminated in a series of lightning-round presentations where teams from various business units and disciplines, ranging from HR and QSHE officers to engineers, showcased their innovative use cases for Bot Unify.

One of the presentations on the second day of the AI Incubator

At the end of the Incubator, every team emerged with a working Bot Unify prototype, ready to be implemented and utilized by fellow Gamudians across the organization.

Jay Elliot, a Junior Engineer at DT Infrastructure Australia / ITS – WFU Project, shared, “A bot that smartly navigates procurement can redefine cost efficiency.” Their bot idea, a smart procurement AI bot is able to save time and costs by utilising A.I to examine vast amounts of procurement documents.

Rowena Emma Anak Ngadan, a Senior Executive at Group Corporate Communication, recognised the need for efficient information gathering and dissemination within the ESG team, leading to the creation of an AI Bot to automate and enhance their communication and information-sharing processes. Her team created an enhanced ESG Communication Bot.

Gamuda AI Incubator 2024 Champions

Gamuda Building Unit: “BIMbot” to streamline BIM workflows, provide guidance on standards and procedures, and leverage ML for construction analysis.

Group Human Resources: A Bot that provide employees immediate access to HR information and address queries related to policies, benefits, and procedures.

Gamuda Land DDU: An Assistant to streamline access and retrieval of Gamuda Land’s project and phase information.

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