Disraptor Clubhouse #010

GET Disraptor Clubhouse #10: Generative Design For this week's Disraptor Clubhouse, we're going to take a trip into the topic of Generative Design, and dip into some areas that you definitely need to know about. We'll also try to answer some key questions like: Why does Generative Design matter? How does it really help us?...

Tapau Sessions: February 2023

Sharing session for Gamuda employees on project(s) they are working on. It is curated based on on-going projects in a semi-guided program that ensures a structured and purposeful session.

GET Masterclass: Introduction to GIS

A knowledge-dissipation project where seniors and/or experienced Gamuda employees take the floor to explore and share concepts or skills or knowledge that relates to their projects.

GET Techtalks 11th Series: Dr. Norilmi Amilia

Big names in tech & innovation sharing sessions once every month open to all Gamuda employees. It is curated by the GET Team and will feature players in the technology and innovation space.

Tapau Sessions: March 2023

Sharing session for Gamuda employees on project(s) they are working on. It is curated based on on-going projects in a semi-guided program that ensures a structured and purposeful session.

The Articles
